Musicality is what takes your Bachata to the next level!
Musicality is an important part of our Bachata Passion classes, because only once you manage to understand the music and match your dancing to it is when you really take your Bachata dancing to the next level.
The key is not just executing the figures from the classes, but really understanding when to use which figures. To understand the build up of a song and let your dancing match this build up. To connect with your dancepartner & the music and really enjoy every dance to the fullest!
Now we know this is not the easiest thing to learn. Some people just hear it but can’t put it into words. Some people need to learn more about it first, to learn how to recognize it in the music. This small course is for both! Because no matter what level you dance: musicality is key! And you can always learn more to improve it and keep growing.
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